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(1 edit) (+1)

I had a really good time with this on stream today!

Hey man, thank you so much for playing! Your stream actually provided a lot of things we could use for feedback, more than comments or reviews can show. This game is currently being updated to polish up certain mechanics and add more gameplay, hopefully I'll see you play that version soon! :D

(2 edits) (+2)

Was fun, though the fish allies were unreliable and the pufferfish can launch pooner oob. It would also have trouble moving to the next area due to the movement tracking the mouse and the area to register is at the very edge causing pooner to sometimes stand awkwardly right before the trigger.  The lack of a health restore system which may be added later becomes a problem considering the hitboxes are a bit janky at times with the harpoon going through enemies but not damaging them despite it looking like it did, thus youd lose the harpoon and an enemy knocking you away from it. Last comment comes from the lack of guidance and story reasoning on why are we fighting the fish. The signs dont tell much and is hard to read at times as it pooner explains how to move but not that the signs are read by being over them and even then due to the movement bugs out at times but that doesnt still tell me why these other fishes are bullying a swordfish without its sword. Regardless personally has potential just needs some more elements and polishing

Glad you thought it was fun:> Unfortunately because of not limiting the scope of the game well enough, some mechanics really needed improvements like what you mentioned haha. Thank you for laying out the points of improvement! Will definitely update this game :D